Good and Evil - Matthew 2:13-23
Trust and follow Jesus!!! You will NOT survive without him. We are prone to wander.
There are people today like Herod, who are filled with the spirit of the antichrist. They will lie and flatter you because they live for themselves and want their own way. We are to be patient, forgiving, slow to wrath, but there is also a time to walk away, if you can't reason with someone or they won't listen to scripture.
A godly man is a leader, self-ruled, held captive to the word of God. He defies the Herods of the day, follows the model of Christ, is willing to die for his family. Committed to service, taking responsibility. When God chose the family to bring his only begotten Son into the world, he chose a capable woman, and a strong, godly father!
This coming Jesus in Matthew 2 will be a type of Moses, spared from tyranny, raised in secrecy, who would free his people, perform signs and wonders, and cripple the powers that be.
We were in bondage to sin, but he purchased redemption and salvation for us! Follow him! He is the shepherd and we are his sheep... He leads us out of darkness and into the Kingdom of God, forever!
We follow him and he leads us into his presence! We go where he goes.