The Family of God - Mark 3:20-35

Mar 2, 2025    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

Scribes accuse Jesus of being possessed by demons simply because he commands them. But he's binding Satan before plundering his house.

Everything you've ever done can be forgiven. Christians today have the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the only unpardonable sin, is the repeated and final rejection of Jesus. Biblically, if you're given over to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, you don't care. If you care whether you've committed this unpardonable sin, you haven't committed it. Your grieving over your sin is evidence that your heart is not permanently hardened!

Whoever does the will of God is the family of Jesus. To believe what the Holy Spirit says about Jesus is to be his family!

Your biggest sin is forgivable if you repent. Share this with people joyfully; they need to hear of his glory and grace!