The Holy Spirit and Cosmic Fruitfulness - John 14-15
Almighty God dwells within us; we inherit the perfection of his works. As he produces fruit in us, we are his example to the world. Our hearts are above all desperately wicked. We need Jesus; we can't live the Christian life without him. He lives in us, and is for us! He's the second Adam, perfect, without sin.
We cultivate the garden by raising our families in God, by living according to his principles, by using his gifts to bear fruit!
When God created the earth, he was marrying it to heaven, and marrying man to God. All creation speaks of heaven's wedding to earth. He is the vine, we are the branches.
In these last days, God has spoken to us through his son. We learn his language by spending time in relationship with him.
Jesus is the voice of God made visible. All creation echoes this voice. The same voice that said "Let there be light" and created the universe, became silent for 3 days at the death of Christ. Creation was then remade at his resurrection! The grave is no longer silent; God's voice thunders out to all creation, and we follow it!