B-Side - 1 Kings 17:10-24

Sep 9, 2024    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

NOTE: Due to streaming trouble, this B-Side was presented a week later than usual. It's meant to accompany the sermon from 9/1/2024, "Elijah Part 2". For the B-Side that goes with the 9/8/2024 sermon titled, "Elijah Part 3," Pastor Josh is hoping to stream that next Monday, 9/16. Thanks for bearing with us; technology is wonderful when it works! :-D

The widow of Zarephath is a woman of faith, a new convert. There are many parallels between Elijah and Moses; in fact, Elijah is like a new Moses.

In her difficult circumstances, the widow is impressed with how well Elijah has been provided for when he arrives, and she takes a leap of faith: she trusts in the God of Elijah. This is what we must do too!

We can deduce biblically that this widow receives Yahweh as her savior. Then her son dies. Elijah is grieved as he learns this. He prays fervently for the son and stretches himself out over him. By the end of this passage, God has restored the widow's son, and her faith increases through the trial!

Who is like Yahweh? No one!