B-Side - Mark 2:13-22
Jesus eats with such deplorable people; shocking at the time. Like Moses in Exodus 10, he wants to save as many people as he can, and eating with them fostered intimacy and implied forgiveness of their sins.
That said, we are still called to live holy lives; Jesus accepts us as we are but teaches us to not stay as we are! Ephesians 2:4-10 - We're saved by grace alone through faith alone; salvation is purely a gift, not attainable by works. But we are a new creation in Christ Jesus FOR good works! When he enters into our lives, we change and grow.
Why do the Pharisees and John the Baptist and his followers fast, and Jesus and his followers don't?
3 thoughts...
1. Jesus is always bucking against tradition that's strayed from its roots, and bringing it back around to his word, scripture.
2. One day, he says, he won't be with them; that's the time to fast. When he's present, it's time to feast together!
3. Fasting in the Bible was a sign of humility and dependence on God. In the early church, they fasted to prepare for church service, when making big decisions, when mourning over their sins... it was necessary in the life of the early church, and should be for us as well!