B-Side - 1 Kings 19:1-14, Exodus 32, 33, 34

Sep 23, 2024    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

Jezebel is running the country, not Ahab. She's also running Ahab's life. This is a sign of judgment on Israel. In Exodus, we see many parallels between Elijah and Moses. Elijah's concern is that the people have forsaken the covenant, they are not coming to God. He's the only one actively opposing Jezebel.

God speaks in a whisper. He speaks to us intimately! The presence of God is in the preaching of the Word of God! If Israel is going to come to repentance, it'll be through the voice of God, his whisper, his presence.

Though Elijah covers his face with his cloak or mantle when approaching God, providing protection, he'll also talk through it, speaking through his office of prophet as he talks with God, similar to Moses haggling with God not to kill his people. Elijah meets with God on Mt. Sinai because he wants to express his grief to God about the people not following the covenant, hoping he'll do something grand to make things right. God shows Elijah the true power is in God's voice, and he commissions Elijah to go and speak his Word to the people.

Also, throughout Elijah's story, we see that whenever Elijah is at the end of his rope, God has provided for him. When we despair, God understands; he's kind to us. We have a good, good Father!