B-Side - Matthew 2:13-23
Matthew shows us how Israel has degraded to an Egypt-like state. Herod started as a courageous, capable leader, trusted by Caesar, but in his corrupt pagan heart, he became consumed with self-preservation and political power above all else. The star announcing the arrival of a new king meant to him that this king had to be killed.
Though the world may be filled with leaders like Herod, God is still on the throne. He will outlast Satan himself. Though Satan is patient, laying snares, playing the long game, he will never be smarter than God. God outsmarts him at every turn, and outlasts him in the end!
The Jewish people are not the bad guys of the New Testament (or the modern world); people of all backgrounds have rejected Jesus as king, just as people of all backgrounds have accepted him. Jesus calls all faithful believers to himself!