Elijah Part 3 - 1 Kings 18:1-19

Sep 8, 2024    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

Obadiah was a godly insider in Israel's government, Ahab's right-hand man, who quietly protected pastors from Ahab and Jezebel. God has people everywhere doing his work, protecting his people! Yes, we need outspoken leaders like Elijah, but God uses all kinds of people to do his work. Be faithful where he's placed you!

Ahab's concern for protecting his war horses over human life is similar to our country's wrong focus today. We have abandoned God in favor of what seems right in our own eyes. Apart from Christ, there is only chaos.

Our country doesn't need a better leader; it needs a turnaround in morality, a revival! It does no good to dehumanize our political opponents. Rather, we're being tested to forgive! We are to bless those who curse us; this exposes evil.

We are to spread the life-giving aroma of Christ with sincerity, and with the authority of God's commission. He's chosen us to be used as he created us, in the place and time in which he's planted us!