B-Side - Mark 3:7-19

Feb 17, 2025    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

So many people from all walks of life are coming to Jesus, including Gentiles, that he retreats to the water to escape the dangerous crowd. The Pharisees don't know who Jesus is, but the demons do.

Jesus calls the twelve apostles ("sent ones" or "messengers"), a select group of leaders chosen by Jesus, who met with him personally, and had authority over the local churches of the early church. They could write scripture! The early church hierarchy: Father - Son - Spirit - Apostles - Pastors - Church. Although in the broad sense we are all messengers sent by God, apostles by the Biblical definition no longer exist. The church handed down the teachings of the ORIGINAL apostles.

Jesus chooses 12 people with diverse backgrounds, yet they lived together for years. They found something greater than themselves that united them: the Lord Jesus Christ. He is what unites us in our present-day church as well! Our unity in Christ must overcome any division we have in the world. As we prioritize him, minor issues cannot divide us!