Fasters and Feasters - Mark 2:13-22

Feb 2, 2025    Pastor Joshua Plantholt

The scribes and Pharisees were self-righteous. They didn't see themselves as needing a savior. But the sinners sitting at the table with Jesus knew they needed help. And he wants sinners! We've all fallen short of the glory of God, and don't deserve to eat a meal with Jesus. But if God grants us entry into heaven, we'll feel the warmth of Jesus' glory for all eternity. Not because we're good, but because we recognized our condition and took a seat at his table, and our sins were forgiven! 

Jesus adheres to the old testament, but not in the way the Pharisees had come to adhere to it. They'd turned it into legalism. He expanded beyond the synagogue, to tax collectors and prostitutes, and "new wine" bursts old wine skins. He came not to bring more rules or law, but to fulfill the law! 

Christians are fasters... Fasting is putting your spiritual needs above your physical needs. A great tool we should use from time to time. 

Christians are also to be feasters, when we are with the Lord! At church, we are with him, so we feast! The first message Moses tells Pharaoh is to free the slaves so they can eat with him. We are to celebrate being saved from slavery, sin and death!

We are to be fasters AND feasters. We are to feast when the bridegroom is with us, and get together to celebrate with each other! Frequent Thanksgiving meals!!!

Jesus eventually says he's going to be taken away, and a time to fast is coming. Though we too are called to be fasters, there will come a time when we'll never again leave his presence! In heaven will be the river of life, the tree of life, the healing of nations, no more curse, his servants will worship him, and God himself will be our light. In heaven we'll never need another reason to fast; we'll be with him!

The celebrations we have now are just a glimpse of what's to come!